2021 Downloadable Fall Bucket List
Fall is here with its crisp mornings, warm days, and chilly nights. The leaves are starting to show up in grand colors here in Virginia, and the air smells like winter is just around the corner. While the temperatures are still lovely and we don’t have to hide inside for the winter, get outside and start knocking some items off of the traditional Fall Bucket List!
It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year (I’m talking Fall Ya’ll)
Fall is hands down my favorite time of year. It is busy with harvesting the summers hard work for sure, but it is also a fun time of year with so many fun things to do outside before we start closing up our homes against the winter cold.
Every year there are one or two must dos on our Fall Bucket List. My husband is a real trooper when it comes to allowing me to be a little crazy about fall. He is a good sport about taking us places and pretending like he is having fun while we run around like a bunch of crazy people doing things like picking apples and pumpkins. He sits back and quietly lets me decorate the house in fall colors (in August people), because he knows it makes me happy. I am a blessed lady for sure.
But like I mentioned, every year there are a few traditions that show up in my Fall Bucket List that I am going to share with you today. You can also download your complete Fall Bucket List as well! It is a super cute way to challenge yourself to get out and enjoy the beautiful Fall that is all around us!
First I Digress
Sometimes I get it in my head that I am one of those cute Pinterest moms that has it all together, and I get a wild hair to do a fun art project with my kids. Now don’t get me wrong, I can be crafty sometimes and I love doing art with my kids, but we keep it pretty low key. What I had in mind this particular fall was a delicate leaf bowl. You know the one… Lots of beautiful leaves decoupaged into a dainty fall bowl.
I must have overlooked the fact that the leaves we had were brown and crunch and the kids I have are feral.
So the kids and I go on this scavenger hunt for leaves with them bringing back mostly brown crispy leaves because those were the ones they could reach. We blow up our balloon and carefully apply copious amounts of decoupage glue to the base. Everyone starts placing leaves in various arrays, at times being a little over zealous in the handling of said balloon. As we continue to add layers of glue and leaves the balloon gives under the pressure and…. POP!!!
There goes glue and leaves all in my face and hair. I walked away looking like swamp thing, while my husband stands up and tells me perhaps after lunch we should just let the kids trace over the leaves with crayons.
Ahh Fall memories……This story is probably why I have stuck with simple DIY projects ever since.
My Top 3 Fall Must Dos!
Thanks for sticking that story out with me! It feels good to get my DIY Mom failings off my chest!
But I truly do love fall and all the fun things it brings around. There are a few Fall must dos for me regardless of how big my bucket list is. Every year I drag my husband and kids through the same ol’ song and dance, because without these three things, it doesn’t feel like fall to me at all!

Pumpkin Patch and Carving
This is an oblivious one, but is really important to me. As a kid, we didn’t celebrate Halloween, but we were able to celebrate Fall with pumpkins! I only remember ever going to the store and buying our pumpkins though. Living in a farming community as an adult however, there are pumpkin stands and patches every where. It is such a fun experience for the kids to pick out their own special pumpkin to carve. We make a day of it usually, going to the patch and allowing the kids to burn off some energy running around looking for their perfect pumpkin, then heading home for snacks and carving! This is a fall must do in my book!
Early Morning Porch Sitting with a Hot Cup of Coffee
This is really my Fall and Spring must dos. There is nothing more relaxing and centering than watching the sunrise on a crisp fall morning from a porch swing wrapped in a cozy blanket sipping on coffee. This is the ultimate way to start your day. The birds chirping the world awake and the golden rays of sunrise kissing the fall sky. It is absolutely lovely!
Go to A Local Fall Festival
Fall is the time for festivals! I know the past couple of years has been a little up in the air with large public gatherings, but this is one of my favorites to do. Every fall we have an apple butter festival at a local mill that I adore going to. There is live music, vendors set up selling their goods, and best of all all the apple foods you can thing of; applebutter of course being the main focal point of the festival. However, they have apple cider, apple cider donuts, apple beer, and the list goes on and on!
I hope these suggestions have inspired you to go out and seize the fall day!
Subscribe to our mailing list to receive a complete downloadable fall bucket list! It is super cute and has so many great ideas to do with family and friends!

Also don’t forget to follow us on Instagram and Pinterest for more great ideas!
One Comment
I would love to go to a fall festival. Sounds great!