• hamburger buns

    Quick and Simple From Scratch Hamburger Buns Recipe

    Summer is upon us and with it comes the season of grilling! We love to keep the house cool by cooking outside and burgers our one of our favorite easy meals. But what do you do if you don’t have buns in the pantry? You make this quick and simple from scratch hamburger buns recipe of course! Bread At Home We have been really good about making all our bread at home for the past year and change. When I first started this journey, one of the things I worried about was making buns. You have to have the right density and softness for a really great bun and I…

  • Sourdough Onion Rings

    Simple Sourdough Onion Rings Recipe

    What goes alongside a juicy burger better than French fries? Onion rings! This simple sourdough onion rings recipe is the perfect crispy crunchy side dish and they are so easy to make. Ingredients for Simple Sourdough Onion Rings Onion rings require very few ingredients. There are four main components to crispy and delicious onion rings; the batter, the bread crumbs, the onion, the oil. The Batter for Onion Rings The amazing thing about having a sourdough starter is that you have a perfect batter just waiting to be used at any time. And I really love that this recipe does not need the starter to be recently fed or active…