• how to plant potatoes

    How to Plant Potatoes for an Awesome Harvest

    March is quickly approaching and with it comes the opportunity to start getting in the garden for Virginians. St. Patrick’s day is the marker for the best time for planting potatoes in the garden. Today we are going to be sharing our tips for how to plant potatoes for an awesome harvest! Potatoes are one of my very favorite things to grow in the garden. They are the first thing I plant in the new year and are so much fun for the kids and I to dig up together in the fall. You can also get an enormous return on your investment. For example, last year we planted 30…

  • yogurt in ninja foodi

    How to Make Yogurt in the Ninja Foodi

    Yogurt in the Ninja Foodi, is a simple and easy way to make delicious and nutritious yogurt at home without all the crazy ingredients that some yogurts have. It is also extremely cost effective. Today we are going to learn how to make yogurt in the Ninja Food! What are the ingredients in yogurt? Yogurt is nothing more than whole milk and a starter culture. That is it! You can certainly add sweeteners and other flavors, but if you are looking for just a plain yogurt that is all there is to it. We love to add in vanilla and honey to make a simple vanilla yogurt. You could also…

  • Ways to Feed Chickens Cheap

    Unconventional and Slightly Unpopular Ways To Feed Chickens Cheap

    Chickens can be a great addition to any homestead or small farm. However, they can become expensive to feed if you are not careful. In this article, we are going to explore some unconventional ways to feed chickens cheap to not only save you money, but to also make a healthier flock. What are the Nutritional Requirements for a Healthy Flock? Before we start talking about ways to feed chickens cheap, let’s touch on what they need to be healthy. Protein Chickens first and foremost are omnivores, that means they eat both meat and vegetation. These little dinosaurs love protein packed insects and even the occasional small mouse. It is…

  • Sourdough bread faq

    Interesting Benefits of Sourdough Bread

    Sourdough bread is everywhere nowadays as people strive to make sense of their food system and take back some control. You see beautiful loaves and perfectly carved boules pop up on your Instagram feed, Pinterest boards, and Facebook groups. But what is all the hype about? If you have never dove into the world of sourdough, this is a great place to start learning. We will share the benefits of sourdough bread and some of our favorite accounts to follow to learn how to make it yourself. What is Sourdough Most breads purchased in a store or made at home today use yeast to help them rise and give them…