• save money

    9 Ways to Save Money During Inflation (Homesteader Edition)

    We have all been feeling that crunch with rising costs of gas and groceries, but what if you didn’t have to? What if you could be more self reliant? That is what homesteading is all about! Today we are going to share 9 ways to save money during inflation on your homestead. There are so many ways to save money that are often overlooked and under utilized. When prices start going up at the market people start to go into panic mode. But what if you didn’t have to panic or stress about rising costs? What if you could still feed and support your family during rough times through your…

  • Pollinators

    Spring’s Best Pollinators And How To Support Them

    Spring brings a lot of my favorite things. My favorite things of all are the pollinators that begin to visit our homestead! Pollinators are the heartbeat of any homestead. They keep the garden growing, the flowers blooming, and the homesteader happy. Today we are going to talk about Spring’s best pollinators and how to support them! What is a pollinator? First let’s clarify what a pollinator is. A pollinator is any animal or insect that aids in the movement of pollen from the male part of the flower to female part of the flower. That is they aid in the reproduction cycle of the plant. Movement of pollen must occur…

  • Bratwurst with Potatoes and Kraut

    Easy Bratwurst with Potatoes and Sauerkraut

    I love easy dinners and this one is a super easy throw together on a busy weekday night. With minimal prep and one skillet nature, this easy Bratwurst with Potatoes and Sauerkraut is a tasty twist to the weeknight menu. I know you all have had a week like me this past week where everything you do takes longer than expected. You can’t seem to get out of bed in the morning, and by dinner time you are not in the mood to cook. That has been my week this past week. I have been a little off, which is why this post is a little later than it should…