About Us

Hey there I’m Kimberly!
I am so happy you have stopped by our page!
Welcome to Hackett Hill Farm where we sow our roots deep and raise rebels who are self sufficient and wild. The purpose of our page is to teach others to question the system and become more self reliant and prepared. This could mean learning to bake a loaf of bread, plant a garden, or raise animals. Whatever your dreams and goals are, let us help you reach them.
Let me tell you a little about how the farm came to be.
After years of my husband and I talking and dreaming of owning a small farm, we finally got the chance in April of 2020. We put in an offer on a small farm with a fixer upper that was built circa 1850.
Then we waited.
And waited.
And waited.
After what seemed like an eternity, we finally closed on September 1, 2020. Then we began the two year renovation process! We are now happily moved in and leaning into teaching others about the life we have chosen.
We are aspiring farmers and homesteaders with a love for family, fun, and food. Our goal is to share what we learn along our homesteading journey to inspire others make small steps towards living sustainably and we hope you will join us.
What we do on the farm
About the Renovation

Built circa 1850, this little farmhouse was far from move in ready when we purchased it. Sitting empty for over a year has left this home with the musty smell of water damage, age, and neglect.
The once white walls are covered in smoke stains left from the wood burning stove that sits conspicuously in the middle room.
Decorating the walls are the faint smoke tinged outlines of what was once a proud display of family photos and heirlooms.
But this house was calling us home. Under all of those things, in my eyes, was a diamond in the rough. A beautiful jewel just waiting for someone to come and polish it until it shone like new.
This is home.
About the Homestead Lifestyle

I won’t say I always wanted a farm. Growing up in rural West Virginia, I wanted nothing more than to run from those hills to the biggest city I could find and live it up. But a full time career, husband, and 3 kids later, I have changed my tune.
While I may not have made it fully back to my roots of West Virginia, the border is not too far from home.
Now instead of craving the hustle of city living, I want nothing more than to settle on my farm with my family and live a quiet sustainable life.
My goal is to have a yard full of chickens, hives full of bees, fields full of cattle and a garden overflowing with enough delicious home grown food that we can share.
I want my kids to know the value of hard work and the glorious feeling of laying in the sunshine under an old cherry tree.
So pull up a rocking chair and visit for a while