Hacks to Make Your Winter Farm Chores More Bearable
We are in the thick of it here, and by it, I mean winter! January in Virginia is always a volatile time. Some days the weather is sunny and 50 and other days you are faced with blistering winds, snow, and below freezing temperatures. In today’s article, we are going to be talking about our favorite hacks to make your winter farm chores more bearable.
Winter is one of the most beautiful times of year here in the Shenandoah Valley, but it is also unpredictable. We have learned quite a bit over the last few years as we have braved winter on the farm. Farming in winter is not for the faint at heart, because there is no stopping until the work is done. Even if it is 20 below zero outside with the wind chill farmers still have to work. While it can be difficult, we have a handful of hacks that will make winter farm chores more bearable and borderline enjoyable. Let’s jump in!
Hack #1 to Make Your Winter Farm Chores More Bearable- Be Prepared

There is a lot of truth to the old saying “Make Hay, when the sun is shining”. Farm life in areas like Virginia has only 2 phases: preparing for winter and getting through winter.
In the nice months, it is important to work towards doing the things that we are outlining in this list. What I have found is if you prepare well in the summer, the winter months are just a flash in the pan. So take stock of the pain points you experience this winter, and work to correct those in the coming spring.
Hack #2 to Make Your Winter Farm Chores More Bearable- Stock Up on Feed

During the winter months, your animals will go through an increased amount of feed as they work to keep themselves warm. Our cattle stay at the hay ring on extremely cold days. A bale that would last us a week in mild weather, ends up lasting only 3 days when temps drop below zero.
There is nothing more stressful than getting caught in a blizzard without enough feed for your animals. You should always make sure you have at least a month’s worth of feed stocked up and more if you have the infrastructure and funds to do so. Keep stocked feed stored it in a dry area when possible. We’re still building infrastructure on the farm so we store hay under tarps and feed in barrels in a barn.
If you have bees, you may want to check out our article on how to winterize hives!
Hack #3 to Make Your Winter Farm Chores More Bearable- Invest In Warm Clothes
We aren’t in middle school any more where it is fashionable to go out in freezing cold temps in shorts and no jacket! We are in the phase of life where more is better when it comes to keeping yourself protected from the cold while you are completing your winter farm chores.
Reducing the amount of skin exposed to the cold will make your winter farm chores so much more bearable. We recommend
- A pair of insulated coveralls
- Moisture wicking Long Johns (for those extended periods in the elements)
- Insulated rubber boots with good tread
- A good pair of fleece lined leather gloves to protect against the cold and wet
- A thick toboggan that covers your ears
- Sunglasses (because sunny days on the snow can be a bear to your eyes)
- An insulated coat
I know it sounds like a lot, but trust me, the 5 minutes you spend getting dressed and undressed are a flash in the pan when it comes to keeping yourself safe and warm while caring for your animals and farm.

Hack #4 to Make Your Winter Chores More Bearable- Have a Plan For Water
Frozen watering buckets are the bane of every farmer’s existence in the winter. On days where temperatures do not get out of the single digits, it is not uncommon to be breaking ice and refilling buckets multiple times a day. I don’t know about you, but I’m not a fan of going out in frigid temps more than absolutely necessary.
To reduce time spent out in the elements, we suggest adopting these methods to make your winter farm chores easier.
- Invest in heated watering buckets or insulated buckets to prevent freezing
- Place a bobber in buckets to keep water moving and discourage freezing
- Bring smaller water buckets in at night to thaw
- Keep buckets in the sun or under a covered, draft free area of the animal house
- Rotate water buckets to prevent having to break water with a shovel
- Install Frost Free Spigots near coops and barns
While it will still be cold outside, these methods will help to make the chore of watering easier
Hack #5 to Make Your Winter Chores More Bearable- Use Deep Bedding for Coops
In the wintertime, I am far less inclined to want to spend an afternoon cleaning out a chicken coop. Instead, during the winter months, we employ the deep bedding method for our coops. This method cuts down on time spent cleaning the coops and can be a great start to a compost pile in the spring as the litter will break down and help create nutrient dense soil.
The trick to deep bedding, is keeping it deep. You want to have at least 6 inches of compostable materials like wood chips or straw, but up to 12 inches is better! The deeper the bedding, the hotter it is underneath which will help foster an environment that will break down the stinky stuff in the coop!
You start adding more materials when you begin to smell that tell tell ammonia scent. For more on the deep bedding method check out Joel Salatin’s take on deep bedding and its benefits.
Hack #6 to Make Your Winter Chores More Bearable- Clear Pathways As Soon As Possible After A Snow

I am not very good at being motivated enough to do this after every storm, but it is a good practice to get into and will certainly make winter farm chores more bearable. I walk the same path to feed and water the animals every day. Once the snow hits, if I don’t remove that snow immediately, it is ultimately going to pack down and become a slick icy mess as the top later melts in the day and refreezes at night. Not to mention, trudging through the snow is also a lot harder than walking on clear ground. So take the extra hour to clear your walk path. You and your animals will appreciate it!
Hack #7 to Make Your Winter Chores More Bearable-Start Preparing for the Spring!

The winter months can be long and dreary with short daylight hours and blistering cold. Some days it can be a real bummer. But knowing there is a light at the end of the tunnel can make it more bearable. One of my favorite ways to make winter chores more bearable is to daydream and plan for the spring!
I pass by my garden every day when I go to feed and water my animals, and every time I pass by I daydream about the months ahead when I can start planting my veggies and see the garden come alive again. I spend my evenings mapping out gardens, making to do lists, and setting goals for the upcoming year. The winter time is a great time to start prepping for the spring and warm months ahead, take advantage of the slowness while you can.
I hope you have found a helpful hack or two to make your winter chores more bearable this year. It can be tough, but just know my friend that you are tougher! If you have any additional hacks on how to make this season smoother sailing, leave us a comment below to help out your fellow homesteaders and farmers. Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on our social media platforms like Instagram!