Top 5 Favorite Books of 2020
In January, like many others, I set goals and publish them in my bullet journal to keep me on track for the year. To be honest, I really only accomplish about half of them because I set so many and some that I really don’t even care about. This year, my goal is to set more realistic and meaningful goals. Ones that I actually care about accomplishing. I used to believe that the more you commit to the more likely you are to accomplish something, but honestly it just stresses me out because I begin to feel like it is a race against the clock. I also found that a huge bucket list of goals distracts me from smaller wins throughout the year.
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Although I had a lot of goals, there were some that I was really passionate about. One of my goals in 2020 that I have kept going is reading. I am a self proclaimed lifelong learner and love to read as a means of getting new information. I could spend every waking hour with my nose in a book, but then I really wouldn’t get any of my goals accomplished. I am a busy mom of three with a full time job outside of the home, a new start up blog, and a renovation that we are leading ourselves. But reading is so important to me that I make it a priority and get the information any way I can. I vowed to read 24 books before the end of 2020, these could be hardcopy or audio as long as they were books and as long as I enjoyed them.
I have been a long standing fan of Audible. I have about a 35 minute commute to work, one way, five days a week so that gives me plenty of time to listen to a good book. I do often split my travel time with daily discussions with my momma, so I don’t consume nearly as many books as I could, if you do that math. Regardless of the daily words of wisdom that my momma shares, I still get a good amount of time devoted to some of my favorite books. And I would not trade the time talking to my momma for anything, she is my hands down my best friend.
While Audible has given me the ability to read more than I usually would be able to, I do still love a good hard copy of a book. There’s nothing quite as comforting as a good book in your hands and a blankie around your feet. I prefer reading to television any day. I can’t stand most of what is on television due to so much negativity and it does not really allow imagination. You have to see the story through the director’s eyes. Where is the fun in that?! With a book I can let my imagination take over and I get to be the director.
Today I want to share with you my top five favorite books from 2020. I hope you decide to read a few and enjoy them as much as I did!

Harry Potter Series Fantasy J.K. Rowling 1997-2007
I know, I know, Harry Potter is not a new series, however it is one of my all time favorites and I read it at least once a year. There is something comforting about these books for me. While the movies are good, they do not compare to the detail in the books. I couldn’t choose just one that was my favorite, but if I had to choose it would probably be The Prisoner of Azkaban.
Throughout this series you follow young Harry Potter and his loyal friends as they grow up learning magic at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You will become apart of their adventures as they try to thwart the return of the most feared wizard in the world, Lord Voldemort. It is a tale of friendship, love, self actualization, and best of all magic.
The Power of Habit Charles Duhigg 2012
The Power of Habit is another of my favorite reads and rereads. This book is a game changer. It explains how our habits work and how we can change our lives by changing our habits. Everything we do is fueled by our habits and our habits are a process of our brain’s function. Rewire the function and rewire your habits. This book is so eye opening and holds so much great information on why we do the things we do, how businesses play on our habits to make a buck, and how addictions work. If you have ever been interested in why you do the things you do, it is worth the read.
Outliers Malcolm Gladwell 2008
Malcolm Gladwell is my most read author this year. I read every book of his in 2020 and while I loved them all, Outliers was hands down my favorite. Outliers explores what makes great people great. You know those people who are just naturally uber successful and achieve our wildest dreams? The Bill Gates of the world? We all want to be like them, but do we have the ability? This book explores what sets these amazing people apart from everyone else and gives insights into their early lives that helps to piece the puzzle together.
Daring Greatly Brene Brown 2018
Where do I start with Brene Brown? I love her. I was lucky enough to be able to sit in on her fireside chat at Fall National this year and let me just tell you, she is so inspirational. Daring Greatly was the first book I read of hers and it hooked me into the person she is. In this book she challenges her readers to get uncomfortable in their vulnerability and dare greatly to become great leaders, parents, partners, and friends.
Captivate Vanessa Van Edwards 2017
I first became obsessed with Vanessa Van Edwards when I watched a Creative Live trailer of her Body Language class. I promptly purchased the course and spent countless hours watching and learning about body language. Her claim on being a recovering awkward person makes her so relatable and I really just want to be her best friend.
In her book Captivate, Vanessa brings to light her skills as a human behavior investigator to give us a peak into how to decode peoples body language and facial expressions. She also gives tips on how to give a great first impression, how to network effectively, and how improve your interpersonal intelligence
These are just a few of the books that I really enjoyed this year. I hope that you find some in here that you enjoy as well. Leave a comment and let me know what your favorite book is so I can check it out in 2021!
One Comment
Nathalia Basso
You’ve read some great titles! These are all fantastic.
Nathalia | NathaliaFit – Fitness & Wellness Blog