Five Tips to Feel Like You Have It All Together
Do you ever feel like you were ran over by the Hot Mess Express while everyone around you seems to have it all together? As a mom with a full time career, homestead, and side hustle, I spend a lot of time on and being run over by that train. I am here to tell you, that the ones you see that seem to have it all together are just as big of a mess as we are! However, with these five tips to feel like you have it all together, you will be the envy of all us Hot Mess Express patrons.
Some days I feel like I just cannot get ahead, and social media does not paint a friendly picture of what life should look like. Let’s be real, I have three kids that are at least partially if not fully feral. My house will never really be Instagram worthy and will most certainly never show up on the gloriously immaculate pages of Better Homes and Garden Magazine. For the most part I am okay with that, kids will be kids. I wouldn’t trade their feral ways for all the sanity and cleanliness in the world.
But sometimes, sometimes, I want to feel like I have it a little more together. Sometimes I want to, at a minimum, feel like I have a modicum of control. I will be honest that sometimes I even get a little envious of those moms that seem to always have it together. They never yell at their kids, their house always look flawless, and they radiate beauty. Meanwhile I am over here with a messy bun yelling at my kids to stop wrestling with jello cups on the couch.
Even with all this beautiful insanity, there are a few tricks that I use to feel like I have it a little more together than I actually do. And today friend, I share those tips with you in the hopes that I am not the only hot mess out there.
Make your bed

I know I know, if you grew up anything like me, you have likely heard your momma yell this phrase numerous times. Growing up it never made sense to me, I mean I was just going to sleep in it that night. Why in the world would it matter if my bed was made? But as an adult and more specifically a busy parent, I have found the peace that a made bed can bring to your day. The sense that if I do no other productive things today, I have completed one task and that task has made my bedroom almost instantly neater! It is like magic!! So go make your bed!
Have a clean car
Okay so this one I really struggle with. Anyone that has ever ridden in Lucy (my Toyota Highlander, because I Love Lucy!) will know that this one is a real struggle. I try to keep it clean by having a trash bag in there, and ultimately that works until it doesn’t work any more. But for those few days that my car is clean and clutter free I look and feel really put together.
Put on pants (real ones)

It can be tempting to stay in your pajamas all day especially if you are working from home or just don’t have to leave the house, but I promise you that if you just put on a pair of jeans you will feel better and more productive. I cannot make it much past breakfast before I have to get out of my pajamas. It is almost as close to magic as the bed making trick! So if you want to look and feel like you have it together instead of like you are heading to a sleepover, put on pants!
Do a load of laundry
Part of looking like you have it together is feeling like you have done something. Again a little like the making the bed trick, throwing a load of laundry in the washer before you leave for work will have you feeling like you just won the day. It is the easiest chore you could ever do, but can feel like a huge win when your week is crazy. Just don’t forget that load in the washer when you get home that evening (speaking from experience here folks).
Plan your meals
There is nothing more satisfying than knowing what you will be having for dinner. I plan out our meals for the week on a white board in our kitchen. Not only does this help reduce the stress of not having a plan in the evening, but it also reduces the amount of times your family asks the age old question “mom what’s for dinner?” Pre planning meals also makes grocery shopping so much easier too! So really it is a win, win, win!

Hopefully these tips will help you feel a little more put together and less like you are constantly riding the Hot Mess Express. But just know that every one is a little bit of a mess and you are perfect the way you are. It can be easy to judge yourself against unrealistic expectation that take over our social media feeds. What do you do to feel like you have it together?? Let us know in the comments below. Don’t forget to also follow us on Instagram and Facebook! We promise to keep it real there and show all our hot mess!
Haha I love this post! When you feel like a bit of a mess there are a few small ways that you can make yourself feel better, for sure 🙂 making your bed is an important one- it sets you up for the day x
Yes! and it makes it so much nicer when you go to bed too! Who doesn’t love to sleep in a freshly turned down bed?!
Ruth| Ruthiee loves Glamour
I love this post so much! You have such fantastic tips here! I sure as hell relate to feeling like you were ran over by the Hot Mess Express while everyone around you seems to have it all together. I am a blogger, student and freelance writer, sometimes thing get so tough, I feel like everything’s messed up. And the truth is social media never gives a realistic look of what life looks like and that’s fine. It’s okay to not have it all together. Believe me it’s ok! Some of those who seem to have it all together aren’t even close to having it all together. Hang in there sis! You are doing awesome! I’ll use these tips the next time I feel like I am not doing enough. Thank you so much for sharing!
Thanks so much! I have to remind myself all the time that everyone is a mess at times.
Seriah Sargenton
These are great tips! I always feel more productive and like I got it together after I get dressed, do laundry, and make my bed.
I love this! I can’t even blame it on kids for feeling like a total mess most of the time. I’m with you all the way on making your bed trick, amazing how organised that can make you feel. Definitely need to get better at meal planning though. Great tips here – thanks!
Jodie | That Happy Reader
It’s amazing how doing a few simple tasks each day can create a feeling of wanting to accomplish more. And who doesn’t love a clean car? Thanks for sharing.
Molly @ Transatlantic Notes
Putting on real pants really is an incredible way to make me feel like I’ve got my sh*t together, haha! I find that when I wear them I feel like I have more motivation to do things. It’s such an interesting impact to have as it is seemingly so simple. I agree with the other things you’ve listed too — all help!
Isn’t it crazy how just a pair of pants will change your whole perspective and motivation!
Sophie | Love and Literature
Hehe, I’m definitely in need of these tips right now. I’ve just spent my day catching up on ‘life admin’ including organising my finaces and washing the car. I already feel so much more organised and relaxed now I’ve ticked some tasks off my to-do list 🙂
To do lists are the way to my heart! hahaha. My husband makes fun of me because I like to make to do list just to check the items off of it.
Love this! I really need to get into the habit of making my bed every morning, haha – when I manage to I always feel so accomplished! Thanks for sharing.