Easy SPAM Breakfast Skillet Recipe
If you are looking for a hearty breakfast that doesn’t break the bank or have you spending hours in the kitchen, look no further than our SPAM Breakfast Skillet. This one skillet dish is filled with hearty simple ingredients that will keep your family full long past lunchtime.
Weekends are for big breakfasts here at the farm. We usually have a laundry list of things to do around the farmhouse between cleanup, construction, animals, and garden; so we know that a hearty breakfast will keep us going!
During the week, the kids usually grab a bowl of cereal before school and I head off to work with my coffee in hand. This usually result in my belly growling by 10 am, but I can grab an early lunch and be set for the rest of the day. On the weekends however, I don’t want to have to stop once I get all five of us moving in the right direction, so we have a good hearty breakfast. This weekend it was our SPAM Breakfast skillet!

Let’s talk about SPAM
You could always find a can of SPAM in my grandma’s kitchen pantry when I was a kid. I will be honest, it always freaked me out. I had no concept of canned meat when I was a kid. It wasn’t something we ever ate. And if I am being totally honest, I was a picky eater. Thank the Lord my kids aren’t picky!
But like most things that I eat today, my husband played a big role in introducing me to it. Right when the pandemic started to hit and shelves were becoming bare, I took my husband to the grocery store with me. Let me be honest…. My husband always gets things that are not on the list, and this particular day I ended up with a buggy full of things that were not on my list.
Side note…. Do you say cart or buggy?? I never knew it was called anything but a buggy until I moved to Virginia. Apparently I have been wrong in calling it a buggy all my life. Who knew?
Anyway, back to shopping with my husband… We ended up with a buggy full of things… SPAM being one of them. I thought what in the world am I going to do with this square meat product. I am pretty sure I even pouted and rolled my eyes a little when he put it in the buggy. Once he got it in there I was committed to keeping it there and figuring out something to do with it.
We got it home, and it sat for almost a year before I attempted to do anything with it. I was scared of it ya’ll.
That Fateful Morning
Then one weekend morning I had run out of sausage and didn’t have any ham thawed and may husband said the words I had been dreading. Why don’t you fry up some SPAM?…. And in that moment, my world crashed around me.
Okay that is a little dramatic, but I was not happy about having to use SPAM for breakfast.
But you know what? I ended up loving it and so did the kids! So that in and of itself is a win. And from that fateful SPAM filled Sunday morning, we bring you SPAM Breakfast Skillet
SPAM Breakfast Skillet
This simple yet hearty one skillet breakfast is made with only four ingredients and can feed a family of four for around four dollars!
You will need potatoes, onion, SPAM, and Eggs. That is it.

Start by scrubbing your potatoes clean. I use golden potatoes because their skin is thin and they cook to a creamy fried potato. The thin skin allows me to save the step of peeling. When you have a house full of hungry kiddos, saving time is what it is all about. Cube these into small bite sized cubes and set aside while you dice the onion.
I prefer using a small sweet onion, but any onion will do. You can also add in some garlic or peppers if you would like, but remember that the SPAM has some garlic notes already. Dice your onion up and throw it into your skillet that has been preheating on medium with about a tablespoon of oil. For dishes like this I usually use bacon grease or canola oil.
Once the onions start to soften a bit, add in your potatoes in an even layer. Cover for the first three to five minutes then remove and flip the potatoes.
Meanwhile, dice your SPAM into uniform cubes similar to the size of your potatoes. Once you flip the potatoes, add the SPAM on top. Continue to fry the potato mixture on medium to medium high heat turning occasionally to prevent burning.
Depending on the type of potatoes you have, the cook time may vary. Golden potatoes take less time than something like a Russet would.
Meanwhile in a small bowl, whisk your eggs.
Once your potatoes are almost completely soft (typically around the fifteen to twenty minutes or so.) Reduce the heat to low and pour the scrambled eggs evenly over the potatoes. Cover with lid and allow to sit for about 3 minutes before stirring.
Once eggs are no longer runny, you are ready to serve!
Add some shredded cheese on top for an extra little something.

Simple Breakfast
Your mom was right when she told you that breakfast was the most important meal of the day! We hope you start your day off right with this simple and delicious breakfast. Not a fan of SPAM? That’s okay! You can substitute ham or cooked sausage for the SPAM and it will be just as delicious and filling.
You can also check out some of our other breakfast recipes like Blueberry muffins, under the breakfast tab in Farmhouse Kitchen
Don’t forget to follow us on Pinterest and Instagram for more great recipe ideas!

SPAM Breakfast Skillet
- 4 Golden Potatoes Scrubbed and Cubed
- 1 small Onion Diced
- 12 Oz Can of SPAM Cubed
- 5 Eggs
- Preheat 1 tablespoon of oil in skillet over medium high heat, add in onions and sauté until soft
- Add in potatoes in even layer and cover for 3 to 5 minutes. Add Salt to taste (remember SPAM is salty!)
- Flip potatoes and Add SPAM. Stir occasionally to prevent burning.
- Meanwhile scramble eggs in a small bowl.
- When potatoes are soft, reduce heat to low and add in eggs. Cover and allow to cook for three minutes. Stir and return lid until eggs are no longer runny.
- Serve warm with toast
Spam reminds me of my childhood.
Michelle Gast
My husband likes SPAM, thanks for sharing!!