How to Make Yogurt in the Ninja Foodi
Yogurt in the Ninja Foodi, is a simple and easy way to make delicious and nutritious yogurt at home without all the crazy ingredients that some yogurts have. It is also extremely cost effective. Today we are going to learn how to make yogurt in the Ninja Food! What are the ingredients in yogurt? Yogurt is nothing more than whole…
Unconventional and Slightly Unpopular Ways To Feed Chickens Cheap
Chickens can be a great addition to any homestead or small farm. However, they can become expensive to feed if you are not careful. In this article, we are going to explore some unconventional ways to feed chickens cheap to not only save you money, but to also make a healthier flock. What are the Nutritional Requirements for a Healthy…
Interesting Benefits of Sourdough Bread
Sourdough bread is everywhere nowadays as people strive to make sense of their food system and take back some control. You see beautiful loaves and perfectly carved boules pop up on your Instagram feed, Pinterest boards, and Facebook groups. But what is all the hype about? If you have never dove into the world of sourdough, this is a great…
The Best Simple Carrot Cake Recipe
This incredibly delicious and simple carrot cake recipe is a spin off of a recipe my sister has made famous in our family. This recipe requires no fancy equipment and very little time to pull together. Made from scratch has never been easier or more delicious. What is this Simple Carrot Cake Made Of? Oil Carrot cake is an oil…
Hacks to Make Your Winter Farm Chores More Bearable
We are in the thick of it here, and by it, I mean winter! January in Virginia is always a volatile time. Some days the weather is sunny and 50 and other days you are faced with blistering winds, snow, and below freezing temperatures. In today’s article, we are going to be talking about our favorite hacks to make your…
The Best Egg Laying Chickens
Spring is just around the corner, and with it comes the cheep of baby chicks in every Tractor Supply across the nation. If you are looking to invest in egg laying chickens this coming year, you have come to the right place. We love a beautiful basket of farm fresh eggs adorning our kitchen like the next homesteader, but what…
The Best Animals For Homesteading Beginners
If you are anything like us when we started out homesteading, you want to do it all and you want to do it all yesterday! I have been there and unfortunately done that. While I can relate to the desire to do all of the things, I encourage you to walk before you run when it comes to homestead animals…
7 Tips on How to Save Money on Groceries
We have all seen the rising prices on the grocery store shelves. Since the pandemic threw a wrench into our food system, followed by high inflation, there is not much that has escaped the rising costs. So this year I have approached grocery shopping a little differently. Check out how I save money on groceries! My philosophy this year has…
How to Render Pork Fat for Lard- Ninja Foodi Version
Lard is an important fat in many homesteaders kitchens. From biscuits to moisturizer, animal fats have long been used in a variety of ways on the homestead. Today I am going to show you how to render pork fat for lard in the Ninja Foodi. You can substitute the Foodi for any slow cooker or heavy bottomed pot and it…
How to Make Vanilla Extract at Home
The cost of everything seems to keep going up and up and up now a days which means we have to learn how to be frugal with the items we purchase from the grocery store and ensure we are getting the most bang for our buck. Today at the grocery store vanilla extract costs about $9 for a 2 oz…